Saturday, December 18, 2010

Book Reccomendations.

I'm bored. I had somewhat of a crappy day today, and I find that reading helps me escape my problems. Lots of others feel the same way. Henceforth, I'm making this book recommendation list! So, if you ever run out of things to read, I'm sure you'll find something from this list entertaining. Also, I LOVE books that let me escape into a different world. I hate those stupid teeny-crap books about boyfriends and high school drama. I already get enough of it as it is. So, most of this list is fiction and fantasy, because it PWNS all.

Not necessarilyy in order, but my favorites reign towards the top.

1. The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. (The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay.)
2. Harry Potter series by JK Rowling. If you've never read these books, you haven't LIVED.
3. The Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan. A bit childish, like, probably a middle school reading range, but, great books. You've just gotta love the characters.
4. The Maximum Ride novels by James Patterson. Well, hmm. These books aren't exactly written the best, but, they're very entertaining. These books are good for someone in 7th, 8th or 9th grade. Basically, these kids are delinquents, so they don't use the best language and act like, well, kids. Most likely, you'll be able to relate to one or more character in this book. Also, the word "freaking" is continually used in context in this series.
5. Unwind by Neal Shusterman. This book is amazing! Although, it's for mostly older kids.
6. The Darkest Powers trilogy by Kelley Armstrong (The Summoning, the Awakening, the Reckoning.) Mostly for mature girls, who like to read about supernatural romances and stuff. Has to do with ghosts, werewolves and witches. It's a great read, though.
7. Graceling by Kristin Cashore. ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE BOOKS! A must-read for any girl. I lovelovelove it! I've read it more times than Twi-hearts have read Twilight, I'm sure.
8.East by Edith Pattou. This book is amazing. It combines old legends and a romance into a book that any girl would love to read. It's not overly fluffy, and it has lots of adventure.
9. Impossible by Nancy Werblin. Based on a song, the Scarbourough Fair, it's a romance that'll appeal to many teen girl readers. It's also one of my favorites. Heck, I would say Graceling, East and Impossible all fall into the same category. Sort of the same light, romance-y thing goin on, but including action and adventure. It's great!
10. If I Stay by Gayle Forman. This is one of the saddest books I've ever read!

Hmm, all I can think of from the top of my head. I'll be sure to add on as I read more!


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